Our History

Launched in 2006
Starting in a garage within a Salisbury industrial estate the business expanded rapidly. Now settled in a beautiful Grade II listed, three storey building beside the gates of Salisbury’s thirteenth-century cathedral. Jason developed a team ensuring their diverse knowledge and passion for great clothes. This team helped develop the branding facets of Regent, including specialised workwear, outdoors wear, as well as heritage tailoring.

Jason's heritage
Jason’s grandfather was butler to James Bond creator Ian Fleming, therefore surrounded by impeccable tailoring from an early age. A family home in Henley-on-Thames provided close links with London, a connection that explains the synergy between country and city reflected in the brand today. Jason learnt his craft at legendary tailors Ede & Ravenscroft, but balanced this work with stints in high-street fashion, developing his eye for contemporary brands that were producing the highest quality fashion.

Our Logo
The Regent Skipper, a unique butterfly still puzzling naturalists today; it likes to imitate moths, amongst other things. Regent is a brand defined by change, innovation and aspiration. Therefore a perfect symbol to represent the Regent brand. Alongside matching Jason's surname ‘Regent’, Jason found the Skippers refusal to be classified inspiring. Jason found the idea of branding his tailoring-based business with a moth-like creature, the tailor’s enemy, darkly funny: a sense of humour and lightness of touch has always been key at Regent.

Personal Styling
The diverse understanding and knowledge of styles that Jason and his assistants possessed helped to position them as personal stylists and retailers. Assisting customers in achieving their perfect look. A balance between listening, and offering new alternatives became a key element at regent. The value of cultivating customers looks enhancing confidence, became a central ethos at Regent. Remaining the reason we stock a variety of styles and brands. There is no noticeably identifiable ‘Regent’ suit or look. One style lesson Jason tries hard to impart, is that individuality is key, collaboration, be it upon and outfit made up of different brands, or a three piece suit, is essential.

Our Shop
The teams diverse style and magpie eye for individual and quality garments, allowed the shop to develop, and offer its customers the best new brands from around the world. Providing not only clothing, but gifts and accessories. From individual designers and makers, to local companies, and world specialists. The Regent store embodies a mix of Shoreditch, East London vibes, tied with values of quality and British heritage. The shop is curated by the team to reflect a creative and collaborative partnership between makers and sellers, Regent, and our customers.
Regent began to expand, elevate and modernise the standard definition of any sartorial tailors. A hub for not only tailored pieces; but style advice, a manifold of high quality products and a personalised shopping experience. Offering a vast range of products, from homeware to garden ware, coffee to hipflasks, books to vinyl’s, Regent has broken the traditional sense of a tailors. Continuously evolving and staying current, Jason and the team can be influenced by musicians, Hollywood legends, and style icons, developing and sourcing uniqueness for consumer aspirations.

The one thing that unites every product we design or stock, is a commitment to the highest quality, ideally being made in the UK, while carrying a low carbon footprint. Everything is built durably, combined with timeless design. Regent believes in buying it once, and buying right. Steering away from quick fixes and taking the time to pare down to the essentials. Everything we stock will last you a lifetime, and stay stylish just as long too. We like to go against the grain, stocking and styling products that are slightly outside the box, not conforming to the latest trends. We aim to find and stock brands that are doing the best in their chosen specialism. Just like the Regent Skipper butterfly, our story is ongoing, ever evolving, and hard to pin down.